Monday, October 8, 2012

week of 9/30-10/7

mon: KB workout with derrick in portland

tues: rest

Wed: cant remember ;)


4 rounds of nonstop--8 reps each with 50 lb barbell

Upright row
Front squat
Shoulder press
Stiff deads
Bent over row
Dead lift

Kb swings with 35lbs-- 200 reps
Treadmill sprints 8x20/40

Superset plyo. No rest. 4 sets of each
Bench press 95
15 push-ups after

Goblet squats 10
Box jumps 10

Plie squat 50
20 jumping jacks

Lunges 30 DBS each leg
10 squat jumps

Overhead bb press 30
Burpees 10


8x running treadmill at 9 mph (20/10)

8x jogging uphill @6mph @6% (20/10)

50 mins treadmill--30 @15% (2 miles), 20 @ 1 min run intervals (2 miles)

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