Friday, May 14, 2010

fun friday

This is a circuit so move quickly from one to the next with no rest unless noted.

5 rounds:

20 skips of a rope
20 push ups
20 body squats
Planks for a 20 second count
20 step-ups (do 20 on one leg then do the other leg)
20 Crunches
20 thruster
1 minutes rest


  1. Do you use weight with the squats? And I think I know what a thrust is but maybe you could explain that one to me. Sorry, I'm kinda a pain huh? Just wanna get it right!

  2. hi there! i didn't use weights with the squats, just body weight, nice and slowly. this is a great "hotel" workout. no equipment needed except something to step up on (coffee table would work fine)

    the thrusters are also called burpees, i do them like this:

    (but without the clapping ;)

    good luck! this is a great workout!
