sunday: triceps/chest bootcamp (4 sets of 10 each with 20 jumping jacks in btw each set)
overhead db press (35)
nose breakers (30)
rope pushdowns (60, 60, 50, 50)
tricep kickbacks (20, 20, 15, 15)
bench dips (100)
bench press (95,95,85,85)
incline bench (75, 75, 65, 65)
flat bench db press (25)
db pullover (35)
Monday: shoulders/HIIT
arnold db press (17.5)
overhead db press (17.5)
front raises (12.5)
lateral db raises (10)
upright db rows (17.5)
15 mins of 20/40 sprints @9.5mph
tues- rest
5x10 superset
deadlifts (135)
assisted pullup (70)
5x10 superset
sl deads (95)
reverse lat pull (80)
KB snatches 5x5 each arm (25)
KB swings 5x10 each arm (25)
fri- rest
saturday- legs/shoulder
10x10 squats (95)
2x10 squats (45)
5x10 press (45)
5x20 kb swing (50)
5x10 plie squat (50)
100 jumping jacks
30 minute kb workout, swings, snatches, press
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